Rholan Wong – Experiencing the Secret Place


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Artikelnummer: 9780768453669


40 Encounters with the Holy Spirit

Discover the Secrets of Heaven through Heart-to-Heart Times with God.*

These 40 devotions are journeys into encountering the deep places of God’s presence. Each entry contains specific, actionable steps for cultivating a closer relationship with the Lover of Your Soul. These powerful devotionals invite you into a deeper friendship with God than you ever thought was possible.

In these supernatural encounters discover the peace, strength, and life-change He promises: In the midst of confusion, find the clarity from hearing God’s voice. When fear comes your way, rest secure in His presence. When impossible situations present themselves, confront them with confidence in His miracle-working power. The secrets to victory in everyday life come from the secret place of God’s Presence. Encounter Him today!

ISBN/EAN: 9780768453669, Pages: 208, Paperback, 8 X 5 (inches)

HINWEIS: bei diesem Produkt ist eine Lieferfrist von 2-4 Wochen möglich.


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