NKJV – The Illustrator’s Notetaking Bible


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Artikelnummer: 9781433649684


The Illustrator’s Notetaking Bible combines two hot trends: Bible journaling and adult coloring. Through uniquie illustrations included on every page spread, readers, illustrator’s, and notetakers alike learn to engage the biblical text in a new way. The exceptional design offers a unique balance for everyone from seasoned artists to the creatively challenged, allowing for guided creativity and meaningful personalization of the Bible reading experience. From filigree, Scripture quotes, and unique images, these line-drawn illustrations are waiting to be brought to life. Features include: over 600 images, including text designs, images, and filigree, unique illistrations on every page spread, open margin space for creating new, personalized images, light grey illustrations allowing readers to add color to each image, lined margins for note taking, and more.

ISBN/EAN: 9781433649684, Pages: 1376, Hardcover, 8.50 X 6.60 X 1.25 (inches)


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