Nick Needham – 2,000 Years of Christ’s Power: Vol.2


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Artikelnummer: 9781781917794


The Middle Ages

The Middle Ages were dubbed the ‚Dark Ages‘ almost before they had begun to draw to a close. Ever since then, they have continued to be seen as a time of hardship and oppression, full of Popes and Crusades. In the second volume of 2,000 Years of Christ’s Power, another side of the Middle Ages shines through though: The continual workings of Christ as He built His kingdom through figures such as Thomas a Kempis and John Wycliffe, who lived and struggled during these centuries. This was far from a period of stagnation; rather it was the fire from which the Reformation was kindled.

ISBN/EAN: 9781781917794, Pages: 480, Hardcover, 8.5 X 5.43 (inches)


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