Katie Souza – Be Revived


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Artikelnummer: 9781629997001


Defeat the Spirit of Death With the Power of Life

The Bible is full of promises related to believers having supernatural youth restored even in their advanced years. Yet few are actually walking in these promises. Instead, a huge percentage of Christian are suffering from some sort of pain, disease, or disorder and are physically and mentally exhausted. Plus, many depend on cosmetic procedures and surgeries to recapture their youthful look.

But what if it were possible to tap into the youth-restoring promises the Bible says are ours? What if these revelations would enable us to run faster, serve stronger, and last longer? What if we could look better than we have in decades without cosmetic surgery and costly procedures?

Katie Souza has found secrets in the Bible that show how we can see these manisfestations in every part of our bodies. In this explosive study she gives readers the keys that will enable them to tap into the fountain of youth God promised His people.

ISBN/EAN: 9781629997001, Pages: 208, Paperback, 8.3 X 5.5 (inches)

HINWEIS: bei diesem Produkt ist eine Lieferfrist von 2-4 Wochen möglich.


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