Jane K. Roach – God’s Mysterious Ways


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Artikelnummer: 9781629952246


Embracing God’s Providence in Esther, A Ten-Lesson Bible Study

Has God ever seemed distant from issues and events that deeply impact you? Has He really intended for certain things to happen? The book of Esther never mentions God, yet it gives us fascinating insight into his unerring work to rescue his people.

In this 10-lesson Bible Study, Jane Roach walks us through the book’s compelling historical narrative and helps us to identify and learn from God’s providential activity. Each lesson contains the following sections: Texts, Truth, Hymn, Opening Prayer, Questions for Study and Discussion, Commentary, and Closing Prayer.

See God’s hand in your own circumstances, lean on him, and experience a new life of gratitude, peace, and joy.

ISBN/EAN: 9781629952246, Paperback, 8.50 X 5.50 (inches)


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