Harry & Kate Benson, What Mums Want (and What Dads Need to Know)


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Artikelnummer: 9780745968858


When his own marriage nearly broke up, Harry Benson decided to take responsibility for his wife’s happiness – loving her, caring for her and understanding her. Putting himself and his work second, he put his wife first – and their marriage flourished. Now the head of the Marriage Foundation, he has discovered that research supports his decision – and that happy women make for happy children and happy husbands. ‚The success of a marriage‘ he says ‚depends primarily on a husband’s ability to make his wife feel valued – and as more than just a mother. It may take two to tango: it requires one person to take responsibility. This is not about being a doormat. Nor is it about work and parenting roles… it is about human nature. A wife who knows she is loved and cherished cannot help but reflect love back on her husband.‘

ISBN/EAN: 9780745968858, Pages: 224, Paperback


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