Andrew Watson – Confidence in the Living God


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Artikelnummer: 9780857464828


David & Goliath revisted

Confidence lies at the heart of society, determining the success or failure of the economy, the government, companies, schools, churches and, of course, individuals. As Christians, we are called to proclaim our faith in God, but how can we build and maintain this confidence in an increasingly secularised culture where such faith is often seen as marginal, embarrassing or even downright dangerous? Using the story of David and Goliath, Andrew Watson takes a narrative theology approach to show how the Lord can indeed be our confidence, whatever the odds. He explores how God can develop a proper self-confidence within individuals and his Church, revealing the gospel through transforming words and transformed lives. He considers, too, how we can confidently tackle the challenges of day-to-day living, whether a difficult work situation or family relationship, or simply anxiety about the future. The book includes a study guide and is ideal as a whole church course on the subject of confidence.

ISBN/EAN: 9780857464828, Paperback


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